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Armature Cleaner and Polisher TMZ01

Armature Cleaner and Polisher TMZ01

The warranty period starts from the delivery date of the goods and is as follows. All of the goods, including all parts, are under our company’s warranty. In the event that the product fails within the warranty period, the time spent in the repair is added to the warranty period. The repair period of the goods is maximum 30 working days. This period starts from the date of notification of the malfunction of the goods to the service station, and in the absence of a service station, to the seller, dealer, agency, representative, importer or manufacturer-manufacturer of the goods. If the defect of the goods cannot be repaired within 15 days, the manufacturer-manufacturer or importer must allocate another product with similar characteristics to the use of the consumer until the repair of the product is completed. In the event that the product fails due to material and workmanship or assembly errors during the warranty period, it will be repaired without demanding any labor cost, replacement part cost or any other name.

Despite the consumer’s right to repair, the goods;

  • Within one year from the date of delivery to the consumer, within the specified warranty period; The fact that the same fault is repeated more than twice or different faults occur more than four times or that the sum of different faults is more than six within the specified warranty period, as well as the fact that these faults perpetuate the inability to benefit from the goods,
  • Exceeding the maximum time required for repair,
  • The company’s service station if it is not possible to repair the fault with a report to be prepared by the seller, dealer, agency representative, importer or manufacturer-manufacturer respectively, can claim a discount. Defects caused by the use of the product contrary to the points in the user manual are not covered by the warranty. For problems that may arise regarding the Warranty Certificate, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, General Directorate of Protection of Consumer and Competition can apply.

    Warranty Period

    • Faucet and Manually Controlled (Cartridge/Sealed) Batteries: 5 (Five) years
    • Electronically Controlled (Photocell) Batteries => Body and Chrome Plated: 5 (Five) years / Functional Parts: 2 (Two) years
    • Thermostat Controlled (Thermostatic) Batteries: 5 (Five) years
    • Valves: 5 (Five) years
    • Shower Systems: 5 (Five) years

    Warranty Coverage Situations Except

    1. Assembly and problems arising from use contrary to the user manual.
    2. Incorrect Plumbing or caused by the consumer’s faulty assembly except for the authorized service disorders.
    3. Problems that may occur in Plumbings without pressure control. (Plumbings that do not use water pressure regulator or hydrophore) *Ideal Plumbing Pressure Range: 3–4 Bar
    4. Sand mud, flax etc. if filtered intermediate tap and filter are not used. failures that may be caused by construction residues.
    5. Damages that may occur as a result of falling and hitting during loading, transportation, unloading and assembly.
    6. Products remaining in construction areas for a long time surface defects.
    7. Defects caused by incorrect and harsh use.
    8. Problems caused by calcification.
    9. Acid or deformations caused by the use of cleaners containing abrasive substances.
    10. Defects caused by parts other than original spare parts.
    11. Cracked body, cartridge etc. due to freezing. parts.
    12. No approved warranty card or invoice.
    13. Use of products for purposes other than their intended purpose.

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